Making a difference in a polluted world: Produce bags

I like to believe everyone is using reusable shopping bags. But I know that’s the case as often I see people behind or ahead of me in line at the shop asking for four or five plastic bags.

It’s frustrating. Reusable cloth bags are everywhere even at the end of the grocery aisles. Right in your face. We’ve all heard the excuses – I always forget my bags. They are in the car. I don’t want to go back and get them.

Sigh. This year I have started to up my game at the grocery store by using simple, reusable produce bags. They have a clean design (and if you could sew you could totally make your own. I can’t sew.)

Using reusable produce bags instead of plastic..

I purchased my white mesh reusable produce bags on Amazon. (I was given a gift card.) Usually the cashier doesn’t bat an eye. But I have had several people ask me where to buy them. Yesterday a woman told me she bought similar purple ones at a store in downtown. White is better, she pointed out, because the cashier can see through the bag instead of opening it up again.

Using reusable produce bags instead of plastic..

It would be great to find a place locally to purchase the bags. I am not aware of any places. I have seen the biodegradable produce bags in some speciality stores but not these reusable kinds.

The bags are pretty sturdy. I have filled them to the brim with dry beans and rice. No problems yet. I washed a few of them on a gentle cycle then allowed them to air dry. Good as new.

Using reusable produce bags instead of plastic.
Easy to tie and untie.

When I am in a hurry I leave the greens in the bag and toss them in the fridge. They store well in them too but I wouldn’t do it for a long time. The bags are great for storing the dry beans, rice and lentils. I have been bringing empty containers to Bulk Barn but this time I wanted to test out the bags.

Let me address the “I always forget my bags excuse.” The trick is to be mindful. Why are you using reusable bags? Do you wan to cut down on plastic bags? You know you’re going to the grocery store. Bring your bags. Add it to your grocery list.

Did you see the Marketplace special on plastic at the grocery store?

The marketplace special on plastic packaging was eyeopening. I encourage you to watch it, if you haven’t already. It’s really sad to see how slow large Canadian grocery chains are to tackle the packaging problems. Surely we can do better.

Waste in the news

Walmart, KFC latest to take steps to reduce plastic

Zero-waste grocery store aims to dump all single-use plastics

Salmon Arm moving to ban plastic bags

Why you should use reusable produce bags

Canada’s chemistry industry supports zero waste

How are you reducing waste in your house hold? Do you use reusable bags at the grocery store? I would love to hear what you are doing. Send your tips my way.

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