I may have been sleep walking while I dressed for my short run. I know this because I realized that I put my tights on inside out when I finished.
I mean who does that? You can’t really tell they are on wrong. I knew they felt a little off but I thought it was because I was not warmed up.
I ran a leisurely out and back 8K near Garden Heights. It was a route that I have run so many times that I can just run on autopilot.
What a beautiful sight! The leaves have already started to turn colours. Don’t you just love fall running?
My leg/foot felt good at my 6-minute kilometre pace. I may just survive my 16K race without too much pain or discomfort. All I know is it just feels great to be running again. I have been feeling a little crazy. I need to run it off.
I always feel so energized after I run on Sundays. I get in hypermode and do a million things. I went back to the garden (and brought re-enforcements). I have so much Swiss chard and kale that I hate to see it go to waste. I’m bringing some greens to crossfit tomorrow for Trina.
I just had to share this picture of a tomato stuck to a post in the community garden. Weird, right?
Nice post.