In September I am heading to a Vegan Beer & Food Festival in Portland. It was a totally random and spontaneous decision. I’ve been to vegetarian and raw food festivals when I lived in Ottawa and Toronto. It’s been a few years so I am super excited.
I always struggled with the question โ “Can you truly be vegan and wear leather?” Some people believe it’s okay to keep the crap that you bought before you went vegan and use it until it reaches its lifespan. I don’t buy “leather” or “fur” clothing. But I am sure there’s something in my closet that has leather in it.
In a perfect world no one would wear garmets that exploit animals. A vegan diet is more than just the food you eat. It’s about taking a stance against the treatment of animals. It’s about respect for animals. I believe you take that same stance as a vegetarian. All life is precious.
Thankfully there’s tons of mobile Apps today that will help with label reading. Memorizing the long/confusing names of animal byproducts was never my strong point.
I am not going to be boring with my food. Because I am taking a short break from running, I have all the time in the world to experiment in the kitchen. I am going to crack open and dust off the vegan cookbooks that are lining my shelves.
I can’t wait to play with my food.
I'm interested to read your article from Westerner. Too bad I can't access online.
Portland is suppose to have an amazing food scene. I'd love to visit some day.
That's what I heard. I also heard the music scene is pretty cool too.
Good for you! It's really not difficult and will give you an opportunity to play with delicious food.
It's exciting! Thanks ๐