Happy Valentine’s Day! I hope you had a wonderful day filled with hugs, kisses and love!
I struggled on my run today. My legs felt heavy and I couldn’t find the right head space. It was too bad because it was a glorious day. The sun was shining. The snow was melting and the temperature was above zero. Not bad for February!

I blame crossfit. For the last few weeks, I’ve been going to crossfit four or five times a week and running at night on top of it. This past week was squat heavy with a zillion wall balls and thrusters. My recurring leg issue emerged on Thursday night. Clearly my legs have not fully recovered. I skipped Friday’s run to allow my legs a little more rest.

I set out around 1 p.m. today after spending most of the morning in bed reading the final chapters of the Ken Follett book. I had to run at least 10K. I wanted to run 10 miles but I knew I shouldn’t push it because my reoccurring injury is back.
I won’t lie the first 5K were bloody awful. But I felt better the more I ran. I wasn’t very adventurous with my route. I finished strong which is always my goal. I don’t mind if I am sloughing through the first bit, as long as I can regroup and finish strong.
I can’t afford to skip any more runs or to be injured. Therefore I am going to drop one morning of crossfit for a couple of weeks lately. I need to run. And I can’t do this on tired legs.