Amanda and I “met” in person during a 50K trail race in Canmore. But we had already chatted online through Instagram. (She’s a fan.) And we were part of the same shakeout run before the Calgary Marathon last year.
Isn’t it funny how small the running community is? Amanda and I quickly became trail BFFs. We finished the somewhat painful final 5K together. Great memories are made on the trail.
Now scroll down and read about this Calgarian!

Name: Amanda Balinski
Age: 30
Profession: Undecided
City: Calgary, AB
Runner since: Road running slowly began in 2011
Age: 30
Profession: Undecided
City: Calgary, AB
Runner since: Road running slowly began in 2011
1. Why did you start running? What pushes you to keep going? I first began running outdoors in 2011 for 30 minutes rather than on the treadmill because I was bored of it. Then when my boyfriend (now husband) and I moved to Calgary in 2012, things took a flying leap for the more serious attempt at training for my health, well being and to challenge myself. Before we moved here, he had a serious health issue that we had been battling for a long time and I was in a really bad place mentally and physically, as I was too stressed and depressed to take care of myself. Now being a full fledged runner having a few half marathons, a full marathon and an ultra 50 km trail race under my belt, I do it for the fitness aspects, as well as the personal goal setting, training and challenges!
2. What is your running/fitness routine for a typical week? My “routine” always varies depending on what I’ve got going on in my life. Lately it has finally become a little more stable, but I’ve decided that I would run home from work a few days a week to get in my mileage, have begun doing my Jillian Michael’s workout DVDs again, and resetting my legs to being used to having the kms put on them! I also have forced myself to roll regularly so my muscles recover well.
3. Do you have any running goals right now? What are they? My current running goals right now are to get faster this year and partake in a team running event. I have signed up a team for the Banff Jasper Relay and our team is half full … Anyone interested in joining, check the pace expectations and join us: Road Raged Runners!

4. Biggest running highlight? Tell us about it. Oh goodness, my biggest running highlight thus far was running my first full marathon which was Calgary Marathon last May. I ran with the 4:15 pace bunny, did not take walk breaks in my last 6-7 kms, plowed up the last hill before the home stretch and finished strong! I was on cloud nine, and still get tingles when I think about that day. I should mention that I finished with a 4:10 time, standing upright, smiling, beaming and feeling like a million bucks!
5. What is your favourite distance to run? I don’t really have a favourite distance per se, I love running, depends on how I feel that day, depends on how much I want to challenge myself … depends on if I need to push myself further than I want to go.
6. Do you run alone or with a group? Why? Both. I LOVE hitting the pavement with my running buddy, gives us some good quality time to catch up. I enjoy running with a group because of the fun camaraderie, support and sense of community. I also really like running on my own sometimes, as I use it to clear my head, de-stress from the week or day, or just have some down time by myself where I can hear my feet hit the pavement and take in the sights that surround me.

7. Have you ever had an “aha” moment when you were running? Hahaha! I had an aha moment while running my 50 km ultra that I hadn’t had time to train for….although it was more of a WTF moment, I had finally experienced the feeling of “WHY IS IT THAT PEOPLE DO THIS?!” Then I finished, received my medal and the rights to say “I DID IT” and then, AHA!
8. What has running taught you? Running has taught me about the strength and abilities I truly have. It has shown me the drive, motivation and goal setting I am so very capable of reaching. Running has also taught me to be so much more positive, supportive, and compassionate as a person. I have truly been inspired by so many stories told by runners as to why they run, and what has inspired them to run. It’s an amazing piece of the puzzle that has been added to my life, and it’s wholly a part of me now. I promise the running community that I will give back by sharing my energy, passion and love of running and life with those around me always.
Connect with Amanda:
Instagram: @The_Rockstar
Twitter: @RocketRunner1
If you know someone who should be featured or you would like to be interviewed, please let me know. Read past interviews here.