As the saying goes … there’s an app for everything.
There are so many fitness and running apps to choose from. I admit I have downloaded a few running apps but I never use them. I use my iPhone too much as it is. All I need is my Garmin and I’m good to go.
Less is more in my book.
But I downloaded this wonderful Tabata timer about a year ago. When I remember to use it, I absolutely love it. A tabata/interval workout is where you work for 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds. Repeat eight times.
The timer can be used for any exercise – squat, push ups, jumping jacks, burpee etc – but I prefer to use it for my core work. Since the beginning of February, I have been forcing myself to do one round of ab mat sit ups and a round of planks after my morning crossfit WODs. It keeps track which is awesome for someone like me who loses count during WODs.
It has not been fun especially after the challenging WODs that we have had lately. I have felt so drained after some of the more recent ones. But I know if I skip one, it will be easier to keep skipping them. I roped Alycia into joined me in the post-WOD core work. It’s great to have someone to hold me accountable. I need all the support I can get.

Having a strong core is so important in so many areas of our lives. I really need to continue to make this a priority in my training. (That and a million other things.) Anyway I do love the simplicity of this app and you should download it immediately.
I mean really, it’s only 4 minutes of your life, right?
Good idea. I love tabatas. This reminded me that I received an ab wheel for Christmas that I should bust out.
Perhaps I should try it. When I lose count, I guess then subtract a few reps assuming I'm flatt myself.
I'm with you…I need to make core more of a priority! I feel like I say this all the time and I go gangbusters on core for a month and then I let it slide.