My Monday was as productive as they come in my world.
I rolled out of bed around 5:30 a.m. to make the first crossfit class of the day at Pure Fitness. My drive is about 12 minutes depending on the road conditions. I can usually get up and going in 15 minutes. I don’t eat breakfast so it’s just a matter of making myself look somewhat presentable at 6 a.m. Fortunately I didn’t have to spend 10 minutes taking the snow and ice off my Versa. Some mornings, I don’t take this into account when I am rushing about like a mad woman.

We started off with a good old ARAP – as many rounds as possible in the allotted time. I breathed a sigh of relief that it was only 12 minutes. I can’t do strict (or any) handstand push ups so I did the scaled exercise “unsupported seated press” (marked in green). I used 20 pound weights which was enough for me. My right shoulder is not feeling any love for pressing movements these days.
I was happy with my toes to bar. Some days I can’t find the rhythm and I am just one frustrated mess. The ring dips were as awkward as usual. I love skipping so the double unders were cool. I didn’t exactly string 30 in a row but I did get a few. Success. It was only three hours later that I felt the toes to bar work its magic on my core. Ouch.

I wasn’t scheduled to work until 1 p.m. I just wanted to go back to bed but I had to get to the library when it opened at 9 a.m. I have been on a waiting list for Edge of Eternity by Ken Follett for months. Today was the final day that it would be held for me before it went back to waiting list. I didn’t want to start that process again. I can’t wait to read it later tonight. Now if I can only remember what happened in the first two books.

I picked up the book at 8:55 a.m. Thanks to the library staff who opened the doors early. Once again I considering my pillows but I started looking at running photos on Instagram which shamed me into getting out my sneakers. Today was a run day but I was leaning toward a night run. In the end I reasoned it was better to run while I am still fresh and in the daylight hours. Next week I will be back to my regular shift and my runs will be in the dark.
And I was only 15 minutes late for work.
Why is it I am always early for work when I work at 9 a.m. but always late when I work afternoons?
Starting in the afternoons is tough because then you want to get a bunch of stuff done in the morning. I would be late too.
For sure! So easy to get caught up in stuff!