In a word? Ugh. It was 3,000 metre row, 150 thrusters and 80 pull ups. You know how much I just love rowing (sarcasm). The WOD completely did me in! I still managed to recoup and do some ab work and a 30-minute run on the treadmill. I was starving by the time I got home.

Typically I will only grab a banana and some water before I head to the gym. I can’t stomach anything at 5 a.m. I would have to get up a couple hours earlier (like I do for running) to ensure I give my body enough time to digest the food.
On the training side, January was not so bad. (I am going to ignore the two weeks of sickness and drop in mileage). I weighed myself at the gym this morning. I am down two pounds. How did that happen? I thought for sure I gained a few pounds due to emotional and stress eating this month. Not so much! I am still about 8 pounds away from my goal-weight. I’ll take slow and steady as long as I get there!
Bring on February, I am so ready for you!
Happy February!!!! 🙂
Thanks you too!
Here's to February!!! My January wasn't so hot either, especially with the sickness as you mentioned and the drop in mileage. :S
Oh yeah 🙂 It can be a real downer. New month!