I was too busy preparing for my local government law exam to run last night. My exam is on Friday and I can’t wait to be done with it. My brain is just bursting with law and government jargon that I will likely never use in my life! Ha ha just kidding … this course has been very helpful in my reporting.
Who knows one day I may run for public office? I’d have your vote, right?
But all that government law jazz didn’t stop me from thinking about running. Imagine my delight when I spotted the updated version classic book, Lore of Running by Tim Noakes, as I walked by the public library book sale. And it was only $1 and in great shape. What a bargain! (It was first published in 1985 and I didn’t read it then either.)

I’ve learned about Tim Noakes, the author/runner, through Trail Runner Nation but I have never ready any of his books. I remembered my interested was piqued after listening to a podcast on his latest book Waterlogged: The Serious Problem of Overhydration in Endurance Sports podcast a while back.
I am excited to crack open it this weekend. There’s nothing like a big fat book on running to motivate you to keep moving in the winter months! I have plenty of running books to keep me busy. What’s another one?
$1? That's a great deal! I love finding new books about running. I am excited because I ordered the Runner's World Cookbook, finally, and it will be here on Thursday!!! I have a few books on Running, (Born to Run, Marathon, Fitness Nutrition for Runners, How to Run Fast, One by Galloway, Kara Goucher's Book on Running for Women).
I love deals!