(Ultra) Marathon Monday: In Training

‘Twas a good week in my world of running.

I ran lots (and I have a flared up Achilles tendon to prove it). And while we’re talking injuries … my right shin is still complaining to no end. You will remember on Monday I failed to clear a box and my shin paid for it. A friend suggested that I may have bruised the bone and it will take a little time to heal.


Meanwhile I am focusing on short-term goals (one week at a time) as I train for my next 50K race –Blackfoot Ultra in May. I finally registered this weekend. Now cross your fingers that I get the day off from work. I hope to shave off at least a half an hour from my first go at this trail. I am stronger and smarter so I think it is completely doable. Right?

Here’s an old pic from when Mark and I trained out at the trail. We had some fun times training in that crazy snow!

This past week I ran four great longish runs. Because I am still in the early stages of building mileage, I am able to commit to crossfit four times a week too. I can tell the consistency is making a difference. Before I would go MWF and now I am going three or four days in a row. I may be bloody sore but at least I feel great. Let’s hope all this cross training pays off on the trail.


More running.

More crossfit.

We’re in for a blast of cold weather for the next few week. We’ve had a great December so I cannot complain. No doubt I will be heading back to the track if we get a crazy dump of snow to go with the bitter temperatures. I can handle the cold but not running on unplowed streets and sidewalks.

Want to run Blackfoot with me on May 30th? Click this link to register or to find out more information about the race near Edmonton.

I am still thinking about running a hypothermic half in February or March. I swore off the races a couple years ago because they are so bloody awful with the unpredictable weather. But this year I think I may just have to embrace the awful to keep myself motivated this long winter.

What’s your first race in 2015? What’s your experience with hypothermic half-marathons?


  1. Woodys will be for me. My body can not handle the cold cold running. Since I lost some body fat at Lost Souls and Xterra Oahu, just can't do it. Probably will see you at the Blackfoot as a volunteer – you go girl!

  2. I just registered for a double race weekend in early April – 7K and half marathon. There is also a 15k I want to do the week before but am trying to find the funds! I need to sign up for races in the early spring or I'll cry about the cold all winter!!

  3. ahhh! I hope you heal up quick! that sounds terrifying ):

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