Melanie: I am a Runner

Melanie and I kept meeting along the route of the Grizzly Ultra Marathon in October. We played leap frog a few times but we also chatted quite about about running, shoes and races. I thought it was super cool that she started a running group in Cold Lake. 
I love hearing about other runners and running communities. Don’t you? I know I am supposed to be “racing” but I love talking to other runners on my trail runs/races. It’s because they get it and you don’t have to explain why you love running up and down hills or mountains or whatever. They just get it.  
Please keep reading and be sure to check out Running Wild Cold Lake. 
Name: Melanie Bouchard
City: Cold Lake, Alberta
Profession: Power Engineer
Runner Since: Childhood, but recently reintroduced to it.

1. Why did you start running? What pushes you to keep going?

I started running because I love nature and the outdoors. I enjoy exploring and running feels so natural to me. I can get lost in the movement and not think of anything at all. The drive to keep running comes from a desire to see what’s around the next bend or on the new trail.

2. Tell about Running Wild Cold Lake. How did it get started?

I started Running Wild Cold Lake as a way to bring together those with a passion for trail running. There is often a misconception that it’s more dangerous to run in the wilderness than in urban areas and I hoped to prove that this is myth. In addition, our community is very transient, so many runners in the aren’t aware of all the trail options around the Lakeland area. Besides who doesn’t like a running buddy or two? Our group has grown to just over 100 members, free for anyone to join and we meet on Wednesday evenings and Saturday mornings. We run at the Cold Lake Provincial Park, local Energy Center track, Brady Heights trail hill loop and when time permits some random new trails.

3. What is the running community like in Cold Lake?

There is a huge running community in Cold Lake. Although they may not all be part of a running group, you will always see runners along the millennium trail and many other trails around the area. The ones that that I have met and do participate in group runs are definitely friendly and supportive, always keeping an eye out and encouraging one another.

4. Tell us a little about your running background.

I was competitive in High School Track and Field and Cross-Country competing in zones and provincials, but didn’t make it to a national level. After high school I dabbled in some adventure racing which consisted of running, biking and kayaking. Which I thoroughly enjoyed too, but it’s not as popular anymore. So, after a couple years hiatus I randomly attempted Sinister 7 and started running on a regular basis again. Trail running is undeniably my preference, I enjoy the engagement the terrain demands and the scenery. But, I also enjoy pounding out some fast laps at the track too.

5. Best running memory?

Sinister 7 is my most memorable running experience. Nothing quite compares to the community and crowds at that event. Random strangers gathered in droves and cheered you on like family, even when you were pulling up the back end of the pack.

6. Do you have any current running goals?

Hoping to pick up my pace this year and tackle the Grizzly Ultra in under 6 hours.

7. What’s the best piece of running advice someone ever gave you?

To train your mind as you do your body for the run, as it needs just as much discipline to keep you going.

8. What’s next on your race calendar?
Hypothermic Half and 5 Peaks Yeti Series

Connect with Melanie at Running Wild Cold Lake
Thanks for stopping by. Let me know if you would like to be featured in an upcoming I am a Runner profile post. 

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