I have gotten to the point where I can no longer ignore what’s happening with my right arm/shoulder. It’s starting to affect the movements in my hand. Typing has been very awkward and uncomfortable all week. I made an appointment to see a physiotherapist this afternoon.
I went to crossfit in the morning as part of my usual Friday routine. Our WOD consisted of a bear complex with cleans, thrusters and shoulder to overhead movements. Coach Christina banished me to the treadmill because obviously I couldn’t do any of the movements.
Fine with me because I could always spend a little more time doing short interval work. My personalized WOD (for time) consisted of a round of 50 squats, 50 sit ups, or 50 push ups between 400 metre run. It was a fun WOD for me. I haven’t been on a treadmill for awhile so it was fun to crank up the speed.
I ran an easy/breezy 5K with Selma, a crossfitter at my gym, before mobility class on Thursday. I don’t know about these crossfitters – they all hate to run! It’s too funny. I am determined to turn Selma into a runner! Mobility class was great. We worked on the mobility in our shoulders and hips. It was just what I needed. Following mobility, I completed my Triple Threat Thursday with an 850-metre swim at the pool. My shoulder was not pleased but I really, really wanted to swim. Please don’t judge.
So I went to physio at 2 p.m. It was just as I thought – not too serious but totally preventable. I have strained muscle somewhere in my shoulder (I do not know my anatomy) that is causing all my woe. Carol the physiotherapist said it’s likely because I am so tight everywhere in my shoulders and neck. (Not a surprise when you sit on your ass and type for a living.)
After treatment, she gave me a couple exercises to do at home to loosen up the crap in my shoulder and arm. I made another appointment for Thursday. I have to get this sorted out. I am not in actual pain all the time but there is discomfort when I lift my arms over my head. I’ll get a massage this week too.
And that’s my working week in a nutshell.