(Ultra) Marathon Monday: Still in Training for LSU

I hit a big milestone this week – 85 kilometres on foot. For some runners that may not seem like much mileage but it sure is for me. I also went to crossfit twice. I wanted to go the usual MWF but I didn’t sleep well on Thursday night. I didn’t think it would be a good idea for me to fling weights or my own body around.

(Wednesday’s WOD consisted of 100 thrusters and 3 burpees EMOM. It was TOUGH. Then I ran a hilly 15K that night. Thank goodness Thursday was a rest day!)

Most of my runs felt great. I find the more I run, the less I feel tired/achy. My body is finally getting used to the consistency of high (for me) mileage weeks. I think a bit part of it is switching up the terrain. I am not pounding on pavement five days a week. Mixing it up sure does a body good. Yesterday I stuck to the roads for my long run. It was pure torture. My right leg/foot were not feeling the love. Next long run I need to come up with a better plan.

Also I ran with Yvonne and Mark both this week. Good to have some company!

I am feeling good about my endurance right now. However I want to get more quality hill training in the coming weeks. I know Sept. 6 will sneak up on me quickly. You can never do enough hills!


  1. It's great to hear you are feeling strong, getting your miles in, and getting up there in miles! Wow, September really isn't very far away. Good luck and happy training Crystal!

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