It’s that time in my training schedule where a 20K run is considered a short run! I love fall back weeks. Don’t get me wrong, I love my long runs. They just seem to take up too much of my Sundays. I like to prep my lunches for the week and just chill with a good book. I really have to struggle to prepare for the week after I ice, stretch and grab a smoothie.
A badass moose usually patrols this 3K trail. There was no sign of him this morning. I was the first to break trail so that was excited. There was a lot of snow because the trail is surrounded by trees.
But today I had a mere 20K (ha ha) on my schedule. I slept in a little later than usual on a Sunday and headed out about 9 a.m. I ignored the blowing snow. I was looking forward to running to the Perimeter Trail near the golf course.
A badass moose usually patrols this 3K trail. There was no sign of him this morning. I was the first to break trail so that was excited. There was a lot of snow because the trail is surrounded by trees.
My right foot was not feeling this run so I was very happy it was short. I went home, iced and rolled out my legs. My achilles is a little swollen which is a sign that I should take it easy. I can’t afford to have it flare up completely.
P.S. I am completely jealous reading about everyone’s races lately.
Crazy snowy runs in Alberta in MAY!! Great work 🙂
ewwww – one time it snowed during the Victoria Day weekend here 🙁