Scenes of my 20-mile run in Red Deer

I love the quiet calm of an early morning run. I was determined to run 20 miles (or 32 kilometres) today. I feel like my training runs have been all over the map lately. I loaded up the pink iPod with a new playlist and the two latest podcasts from Trail Runner Nation.

During long runs, I like to listen to one or two podcasts for two thirds of my run. Then for the last hour or so I crank up the tunes because this is when I need the motivation more than ever. 

My route was basically a big loop around the city. I ran along the river, in neighbourhoods, along the trails and the golf course. The first bit was the most scenic. Running on concrete as cars zoom by can get so tedious.

The sun eventually came out but it was mostly a chilly run. I met a guy on a bike and we commiserated about the temperature. I actually felt that it was quite refreshing. Later I talked to Audrey in Phoenix who complained about the heat. She also ran 20 miles today. 

I didn’t see many people or animals on the trail. But there was clear evidence that I was not alone. This area is home to a few moose who love to scare runners and walkers. The deer usually keep to themselves.

I literally ran all around the city and into the county. I know I keep saying this but I need to find a new route. It gets tiresome. I met a few people along the way and we chatted a bit. I stopped at the Deerpark Co-op for a pee break at the half-way mark. I bought the best tasting coconut water EVER. It really hit the spot. 

Oh and then there was this …. I tiptoed up to the truck and took a quick picture with my iPhone. I was afraid someone would come out with a sawed-off shot gun. I lucked out. They were still sleeping.

Today’s long run was nearly perfect. (I had a minor hiccup with my right leg/foot but I don’t want to talk about it because then it would make it real.) I felt strong and I kept a good slow pace. I looked back at my last marathon training log and I realized I am ahead on my long runs. You may be surprised to hear that I do not run many 20-mile runs. Usually I stay within 26-28 kilometre range. This time around I plan to run two more within the next four weeks. I hope the mileage doesn’t fry my legs.

It was ice bath time after my run for the first time this year. My legs needed it! I gripped a cup of steaming green tea and positioned my iPad on the toilet so I could watch Ted Talks. I needed something, anything to take my mind off the cold. It definitely did the trick.

Tell me about your weekend. Did you run long?


  1. Great job on your long run! It sure looks beautiful there. I really laughed at the truck pic! I think I would have been slightly scared as well…lol.

  2. Would love to join you one weekend.

  3. Nice job on the run! I have never listened to a podcast before, but I might have to check them out. Hope your leg/foot feels better 🙂

  4. Nice running Crystal! You should come run with the 'Red Deer Runners' I've discovered all sorts of new paths running with them… plus you'll likely meet some runners up to your callibar that could really compliment you!

    1. I tried contacting them in the past but I had no luck. Maybe I will try again. Thanks for the suggestion!

  5. Great job on the long run!! I love listening to podcasts, and actually rarely listen to music these days. I've only tried coconut water once, and didn't like it at all, I hear it's an acquired taste though. My foot is a bit pissed off too, but I'm telling it to quiet down and get with the program!

  6. Nice run! Looks like it was very scenic… especially when you passed the truck! Such a great photo! I love listening to podcast and audio books, it's makes the time go by so quickly if it's interesting. I've never listened to Trail Runner Nation but will check it out!

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