Oops I did it again .. running mistakes

I knew at once this article from Runner’s World was written for me! The authors discuss the 12 mistakes runners usually make and suggest some quick fixes. I love reading these type of articles because they totally make sense. (Yet I continue to do the same thing over and over again.) I don’t completely screw up marathon training but my training could use a few tweaks.

The Dirty Dozen of Training/Racing Mistakes 

1. Start Too Fast – Guilty as charged. I think we’ve all been here! I am getting better at pacing. I would also like to add I still have lots in my tank at the end of my race. Maybe I am not pushing hard enough at the finish? 

2. Making all Runs “Medium” – This is something I am very conscious of during this training for my June 1 marathon. I think we all get stuck in the rut and the mindset “any run counts.” Yes, that’s true to an extent but I strongly believe in challenging our legs.

3. Neglect Speed – This year I am picking up my pace in order to rock my pace. It’s been fun so bar. Tough as heck but I am enjoying how I feel.

4. Recover Inadequately – Yes patience is a virtue! I may give myself too much time to recover from a hard workout.

5. Overtrain â€“ I can’t say I ever “overtrain.” I probably do not train hard enough.

6. Indulge in “all you can eat” workouts – Some runners think more is better. I am the complete opposite. I believe in quality over quantity and less is more.

7. Refuse to Adjust workouts – Not guilty. I think I adjust my workout every week.

8. Search for the Perfect Workout â€“ Innocent. I like to try new things but I am never in search of the “perfect” workout because I believe you get what you put into a workout or run.

9. Become Running Fundamentalists â€“ As described in the article, these are the runners who cling to past training workouts. Not guilty. I love switching things up.

10. Delay Injury Prevention Plans – I am careful to not increase mileage too quickly. I have an old injury that flairs up now and then so I am very conscious of this.

11. Train at Goal Pace – I haven’t tried this yet.

12. Race Stupidly – GUILTY. Ha ha yeah I start too fast & I finish too slow. Admitting your mistakes is the first step to recovery, right?

Got any of these dirty dozen on your “to fix” list?



  1. Oh man, more than I care to admit! I feel like after my 6 years of running I’m not exactly a rookie anymore yet I still make a lot of these mistakes anyway. Oops! Things I really wanna kick are the ones related to pushing hard enough and being smart during a race.

  2. We all make these mistakes here and there but hey, it keeps things fun. But seriously, this past year I have been better at incorporating speed work and adding in cross training. And balancing how hard to push yourself in a race and give it your all and not die is a delicate balance.

  3. Number 1 is #1 on my to-fix list – I always start too fast and then slow down but my average pace is consistent 🙂

  4. Great reminders! I know when it comes to running, I do not push myself like I do when I'm doing boot camp training or even Pilates, I stick to safe "medium". Gonna work on that for my next half marathon training 🙂

  5. Oh my "Race Stupidly:" HELLO HEATHER! 😉 lol. I've done the good old 'fly and die' in far too many races. I have always neglected speed as well. I have started to incorporate it into my most recent marathon training plan so I'm eager to see if I benefit from it.

  6. I'm guilty of so many of these… #5 & #10 definitely got me recently. And I really need to work on #2 and #3, I get stuck in my same old pace rut all the time, and then I neglect to do anything about it and wonder why my times don't improve…

    Great reminder, thank you!

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