Weighing in: ENERGYbits

You have to be living under a rock to not have heard about ENERGYbits. I wanted to try this “product” because it seemed EVERYONE in the blogging/running community has tried them. I was feeling left out. (Check out ENERGYbits ambassador Stephanie’s post about why she has nothing but love for the bits). One of my goals this year is to truly pay attention to what I put into my body.

Besides the only ingredient is ….. dark green algae. That’s a superfood! For some people the thought of eating algae may take some getting used to (if ever). Not me. I lived in Asia for four years so I am no stranger to funky smelling or interesting looking foods. I think this is why the ENERGYbits people say “to swallow not chew.”

My sample arrived a few weeks ago. Boasting all the nutritional info, a bunch of awesome looking promo materials were included in the package. I appreciated this because I like charts and bright colours.

I mistakenly thought the “bits” were supplements (taken like a daily vitamin) with a bunch of ingredients mashed together.


The “bits” are actually bits of organically grown spirulina algae that are harvested and dried into small tablets. There’s no extra stuff like additives or other weird sounding ingredients. Zip. They are 100% NATURAL & ORGANIC (basically the super food SPIRULINA). This piqued my interested immediately. Everyone and their dog has also tried spirulina.

FACT โ€“ There’s 40 vitamins & minerals all packed into one mighty bit. They are VERY high in antioxidants, B vitamins and protein. That’s pretty sweet.  I could use a lot MORE of these in my diet because I follow a less than stellar plant-based diet.

FACT โ€“ ENERGYbits say “this powerful nutritional combination is what boosts physical and mental energy, all WITHOUT caffeine, chemicals, sugar or gluten.”

FACT โ€“  AWESOME ENERGYbits website that answered all my questions and much more. Find out why the converted are popping these bits left and right. Oh and there’s also SKINNYbits, RECOVERYbits and VITALITYbits. Oh my!

To be honest I wasn’t sure what to expect when I opened the little metal tin. Hmm … there was definitely an algae-like smell. They looked like pills. (I wonder why they make them so small)
The folks at ENERGYbits recommend swallowing 20 to 30 bits before a run, workout or just to re-energize. My sample tin had enough for two runs. I swallowed 30 bits with water before my run on Saturday and again on Sunday before I hit the trails. I’m the type of runner who has to try a product a bunch of times before I give it a passing or failing grade.
Saturday: I was EXHAUSTED before I even started running on Saturday. (See Sleepless in Red Deer) I thought this would be as good a time as any to bite the bits so to speak. I hoped they would be the boost I needed. My run was only 5k but I wasn’t dragging my feet like I thought I would after only a few hours of sleep. Maybe it was the bits?
Sunday: I always run long on Sundays so this would be the better test. I was a little groggy to start because I skipped my morning coffee. But as I continued to log miles, I woke up (early morning runner) and I felt fabulous. I don’t know really how to describe it. At the end of my 10-mile run, I felt there was still a lot left in my tank. (I’m just starting to build mileage so I wasn’t sure how this run would go.) At the end of my run, I ran some hill repeats AND I still felt raring to go. Honestly I am not sure if it was the bits or a good night’s sleep. I felt pretty darn awesome. 
I say yes to ENERGYbits. I am not 100 per cent drinking the green Kool-Aid just yet because I take a little longer to truly love something. But I do like how I felt during and after my runs. That’s something, right? I love the powerhouse mix of vitamins and proteins. Because they are so small, they would be ideal to carry on an even longer run or hike. That’s a big plus. 
Every Tuesday on Twitter an ENERGYbits brand ambassador hosts a Health and Fitness chat at 8 p.m. using #poweredbybits. I haven’t had a chance yet to join the fun but I definitely will very soon. (You know how much I love Twitter)
Click here and enter “BLOG” into the coupon box and receive a 10% discount on ENERGYbits. Who says I don’t love my readers! 
Have you tried ENERGYbits? I would love to hear your take on the little green bits. 

Happy Monday!


  1. I reviewed them a week or so ago on my blog, I LOVED them and just ordered them for my marathon training, I have used them now 4 times and definitely can feel a difference. I am a believer!

  2. I've tried and like them but I probably won't ever order my own as they are just so darn expensive. I also don't like how they are so small and you have to swallow so many. I don't swallow pills well so it takes FOREVER to get them all down. They are a great energy source though.

    1. Hi! Good question! We're all about the convenience of spirulina, which grows into a powder. We take that powder and air dry it and press it into tablet form for even more convenience. Since the bits are very "green" tasting, we didn't want to have them be so large that people can't swallow them with water, and we wanted to make sure most people would be able to swallow them, since about 10% of people have an issue swallowing pills.

      Hope this helps! If you have any other questions feel free to tweet at us @energybits or email me at jlevitt@energybits.com!


  3. I have been curious about these since seeing them ALL over twitter. Thanks for the honest review. Although, you mentioned they have a ton of B vitamins – those turn your pee into highlighter yellow, right? ๐Ÿ™‚ I might give them a try sometime… (not because of the pee… just… because)

    1. lol that's funny. I didn't know about the pee bit! Will have to check that out ๐Ÿ™‚ I know that's what piqued my interest – Twitter. I love Twitter for that!

    2. Ashley – we're always happy to share! Feel free to tweet at @energybits or email me at jlevitt@energybits.com for more info. Yes, our spirulina does contain a lot of B vitamins, and an excess of certain nutrients can cause you to just excrete it out – that's your body's way of protecting you from too much of a certain thing, which can be the case when you're taking too many vitamins. Whole foods are a different story ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. I've never tried them but have seen/heard about them around the blogsphere and have wanted to try them

  5. How did I miss this post? Great review. I've been putting energy bits into my smoothie and I take recovery bits at night to ward off sickness.

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