The Kelowna and Victoria marathon are two of the best fall races in western Canada. There’s always someone who has one or the other as their “A” race on their calendar. Karen Jacques, 43, a Red Deer runner ran the Okanagan Marathon on Oct. 13. This was her 10th marathon. She also set a new PR shaving 7 minutes off her previous record.
Here’s Karen’s race recap:
With our bags packed, my daughter Haley and I waited for friends to drive us to Kelowna. The truck pulled up to Jen’s parents house. I remember thinking that it’s important to get a good night’s sleep two nights before the race. Nerves always get in the way of a good night’s rest the night before a race.
We visited Jen’s friends, picked up the race package and bought a few groceries for dinner. I even had champagne and orange juice at Jen’s friends. I thought I probably shouldn’t be doing this.
Turkey dinner and all the trimmings was my prerace meal. I had more champagne. And I could not resist the pumpkin pie even though I felt too full. So after this busy and unusual prerace meal, I knew I would be shooting for a PR.
My watch alarm was still set for Alberta time. I got up an hour too early. I went upstairs for breakfast – tea, orange juice, a bagel and banana. The air was crisp and cool. Many people at the race start looked way too overdressed for my liking. I positioned myself between the four hour and the four and fifteen pace bunnies. After a very enthusiastic singing of O Canada, the buzzer went.
The four hour pace bunny took off like a shot. Oh well, I thought. I’ll just stay ahead if the four fifteen bunny. Feeling good and remembering to take my gels and water on a regular schedule, I soon caught the 4 hr bunny around 25k. By 28k, I left the pace group and carried on my merry way. I took my walk breaks, smiled at everyone and looked forward to meeting up with Haley and Jen at 37 k. They would run the last 5k with me.
I handed Haley my fuel belt and told them I felt ok. The 4-hour bunny was right behind me. At 39k, he turned to me to say “Stick with me. You can do 4 hours.” This is something I had only imagined I could do. The 1k to finish marker was a welcome sight. My legs were shutting down and I really struggled to keep them moving. I crossed at 4:00:22. I still can’t really believe it!
Way to go, Karen! You are an amazing woman! Go go go!
Your friend, Deb