Running and injuries do not have to go hand in hand.
Be smart. Listen to your body. I’m not that smart. And I don’t listen to my body all the time. I’m not perfect. Now as I enter my third week of rest, I am reflecting on my running habits over the last year. Sure there were some good moves but there were also some not so good ones. Next year I am determined to train smart. I want to keep my feet happy.
Lessons learned:
1) Increase mileage over a reasonable time frame
2) Lift some weights
3) Stretch those tight calves, ankles, hammies etc
4) Practice the POSE running technique
5) Do not ignore soreness or inflammation
6) Wear the correct sneakers
7) Warm up and cool down
8) Hydrate plenty, and fuel smartly
9) Follow a smart running plan
10) Take proper rest days
How do you stay ahead of the injury game?
Very short & crisp article 🙂 These 10 points are worth remembering & implementing while running to avoid running injuries. We often tend to focus on “Big things” to look for to avoid injuries. But it is actually those small steps that help runners out there to become better and avoid injury!
Holly Martin recently posted…How To Run Without Getting Sore