That’s what happens when you come back after a three-week hiatus. Sigh. Like Curtis told us on Tuesday, we would add weight to our chest press.
We warmed up with the bar before we added weights or in my case… attempted to add weight. My partner added 20 pounds to the 35 pound bar.
Not a chance. My arms and chest were not having it. We removed the weights and I proceeded to do sets with the bar alone. My partner, on the other hand, was a rockstar. She was pressing like double the weight of my bar.
Yes. I am an upper body weakling. This is not news. I joined Crossfit to improve my overall body strength.
When I’m in the moment though I can’t help but feel I have such a long way to go. True, it will take time to build strength like everything else.
I’m an impatient person. I want strength now.
We moved on to our WOD – 10 reps of dumbell presses on our back followed my burpees in eight minutes. I was so out of it, I couldn’t be bothered to mark my reps with chalk. I think I was done even before we started.
Somehow I gathered what strength I had and finished the WOD. I felt like crying. All week I felt like crying. My period put me on an emotional roller coaster this week.
Don’t you hate when that happens? I just have to remind myself, I will get stronger. I remember when I first started running with Dan and Karen, I could barely run 3km without huffing and puffing. Now look at me. I am a rockstar. Must learn to practice patience.