I mulled over buying a food processor for weeks. My kitchen really, really wanted one. I couldn’t decide on the size or the brand. My budget allowed for something mid-price range.
I decided to either buy a 7-cup or 9-cup food processor I went to about 6 different places for the best deal. There weren’t any 9-cups in my price range. I went with a 7-cup from KitchenAid. I picked it up for $88 at Wal-Mart compared to $149 at both the Bay and Sears.
Tonight when I got home from Edmonton, I tried it out for the first time. I made some very spicy and tasty hummus. Perfecto!
It turned out 100 times better than any I ever made with my blender. I don’t know why it took me so long to buy one. I’m so excited to try new recipes this year.
I have that same food processor and I love it. I just bought my sister-in-law one for her wedding gift because I use it so much. Love homemade hummus!
I am so enlightened by your blog. I am sure going to buy the food processor now!
I came across this website which talked about Kitchen Equipments in the home which I can use as a substitute for a food processor when I dont have one.
The blogger talked about using tools like the sieve, cheese grater and many others.
I would love your view on this.
Sally recently posted…5 Food Mill Substitute [You Need to Know About]