A whole lot of sole

Whew! I did it. I ran 32.5 km. Now I didn’t set out to run 20 miles. It kinda just happened. I blame two road detours and a willingness to not to give up.

I started slow. My left leg was a little tight but not too sore. I knew I could run at least a couple hours. I ran like a snail – a very, very slow snail. At times I walked and stopped to stretch.

I ran from my apartment, to Heritage Ranch, around to Taylor Drive and up Kerry Wood Drive; back on Taylor to 67 Street and down to Discovery Canyon, along the trails to Riverside Drive to home sweet home.

Sounds long? Well it was.

My gosh. It was long. And I am so glad it is over. I can just kick back and stretch. The next long run I will do will be in New York (with 40,000 of new best friends).

Knock on wood Audrey and I both stay injury free for the next 18 days. 


  1. Nice!!! Love the pictures, your hair looks great 🙂
    You are going to ROCK NYC!!!!!!! AD

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