So you can probably tell I’ve been too busy to update my blog. Life goes on here in Grande Prairie. I scared a coworker royally today. At an intersection, he was on the phone and I was distracted, as always. When the light changed for me to turn, I turned all right. I turned into the lane of oncoming traffic. I didn’t even notice until the cars coming toward me where gesturing wildly to me. And of course, my co worker’s screams of terror. I managed to get back in the correct lane without a scratch or causing an accident. Yes, today I can say my heads were in the clouds.
I think we’re getting an early spring. The weather has been awesome for the last week. I haven’t driven my car in days (which might explain the above story)because it is too nice and my appointments are within walking distance. Fortunately I can save some money particularly since the gas prices have been going up lately.