Nothing lately impresses me. Why are people so in to their stuff? Like the new Wii or the latest cellphone. I just don’t care. Does that make me nuts that I don’t care about possessions? Seriously I don’t. Maybe it’s because I don’t own a lot of junk. I am perfectly happy owning less and being more.
So many people complain about holiday madness and all the money they spend. They complain about stress and meeting expectations. A relative bragged that she wrapped 30 or more presents for her son. Her son is young enough not to remember the presents in a month or two.
I just don’t get it. Why can’t people be more proactive when it comes to changing what makes them so stressed and upset? Spend time with your families playing board games or simply talking. Make your holidays simplier. No one else will do it for you.
I encourage ethical gift giving. Scrap all that crap that no one wants and give to people who need. A gift that keeps on giving, for example would be making a purchase in the person’s name to a poor farmer or sponsoring a child in Africa. It doesn’t have to be rocket science.