Nick enjoys a nice cold beer while I drink a nice cold virgin cranberry juice.My running partner, Nick and I ran around Dow’s Lake. Our goal is to run once a week for the rest of the summer. Years ago we used to run up and down the stairs at Landesdowne Park. Now I can barely run five minutes without heaving. Travelling for months with little exercise will do that to a person. Honest, I was in great shape when I was in Korea. Five hours a week of taekwondo training kept me in form.
Now my goal for one month has been to cut out some of the bad toxins that I put in my body. It’s kinda like a summer cleanse. These bad toxins would be beer, coffee and men. My three weaknesses. Reaching this goal has been easier than I thought.
My willpower has been reasonably strong. This weekend at the tournament will be the real test. Beer after a game is so spot on. The weather has been so crappy lately that a beer doesn’t come to mind. The warmer it gets, the thirstier I get!