This is not my new house. Denise, her kids, her mum and I drove around the mountain one day looking for the teacup houses. This is what we found. We were fortunate enough to have a tour inside this museum. You can rent it for 350$.
Like every other employment-challenged person, I spent my day doing little. I am generalizing here but so what?
I moved to Hunt Club yesterday so I spent most of today getting organized. Ann has a heavy bag in the basement so I practiced some kicks as part of my workout. When Mo’s daughter gets back from the States, I will teach her taekwondo. She has her white belt and hopes to pass her yellow belt test. That should be fun.
In keeping with my India-based reading theme, I started reading a book recommended by both Elyse and Oprah and given to me by Andrea, A Fine Balance by Rohinton Mistry. Wonderful so far.
I am looking at my options in terms of work. It’s so darn difficult to focus when it’s so nice out. Yes, today was sun sun sunny!