Yesterday it was minus 8 and over the next few days it will only get colder. Winter has settled in and seems to be comfortable. I regret that warmer conditions can only be found a plane ride away. Unfortunately I have to stay where I am.
This morning I taught for three hours a SAT class. It wasn’t that difficult but I was tired from the night before. Angus, one of the new teachers arrived yesterday so I took him to Obs for a few drinks. We met up with Wayne, who had been there for about four hours. Then Mary Jane, who was in good spirits joined us. I left them at about 1 am.
Now I am off for three whole days. I don’t know what to do with myself. Since we have two new teachers starting next week, Jake really wants to be to be around to help out. I don’t mind so much since both my body and pocketbook need rest.
Tonight I am meeting up with Julie and Tae Woo.