As planned Jennifer and I went to another doctor in Hwamyeong this morning. We had our stories straight and we were ready to take action. I think we made it clear to everyone that we weren’t leaving until the cast was removed. We kept saying, “Cut, Cut” while making scissor motions with our hands. The whole thing was quite funny. No wonder Koreans think we’re crazy.
I had to take another xray before seeing the doctor. I didn’t have to wait long because there weren’t many other patients around. We actually watched someone who was having his cast removed from the waiting room. So then we knew, regardless of what the doctor said, that I would just get Jennifer to man the drill and take it off. Fortunately for me we didn’t have to go that way.
The doctor showed me my xray and asked me which toe was broken and which part of the toe. Another good sign that the cast was coming off. We lied and said I had the cast on for six weeks. He said it was on too long, too long. Jennifer said he looked surprised that it was stilll on. He asked us where I had it put on but I didn’t want him to phone the other doctor so we lied again and said the doctor was in Seomyeon.
I’m just happy to have this episode over. All this ridiculous drama to take off a damn cast was simply not necessary.
I’m posting Jennifer’s happy face here because today she is my heroine. Without this blonde pitbull none of this would have happened. Thanks!
Awesome! Thanks for the pics, Crystal.
Hopefully, life will be a bit more enjoyable now that you don't have to drag around that plaster prison.
-Kevin, still hacking away in Silicon Valley