Ugh. This week keeps going downhill. It all started on Monday after learning some information about someone I didn’t want to know.
Now it’s Wednesday and Busan Immigration officers came to my hagwon today looking for me. They pulled me out of my first class of the afternoon to accuse me of submitting false documents to them. In plain words, they said my Acadia degree is a fake. The whole thing is ridiculous. Apparently they caught two people with fake degrees who went to Acadia. So now they are checking all Acadia graduates. They took my passport and my denial that my degree was a fake. The whole thing is frustrating. It was funny because they showed me all these degrees and the one thing that was different was an extra letter (s) on a latin word on the insignia.
Actually it is quite comical when you look at the whole picture. A friend at Oedae, also Acadia grad, was taken to immigration for the same accusations. They didn’t keep her passport though. Maybe they think I am a flight risk.
The bottom line is that I have to prove the degree is legit by submitting sealed transcripts with an official stamp! Ugh!