And here I am stuck with a hangover in Busan! Yesterday I went to the beach, as planned, to sip some wine and eat some cheese with Bethany and Sara. It was fun but warm red wine in the hot sun didn’t taste that good! There was nobody at the beach. Just a bunch of foreigners. I suppose today will be the same. I think if I am feeling up to it tomorrow I might head out there.
Then I went to Stacey’s place to drink some more with her and Amanda before we hit OBS and Kyungsung. It was a fun night! I played darts at OBS and talked to a bunch of people. We went to a new bar called 55 in lieu of Vinyl. It was not bad. I actually knocked a drink over on Paul so I guess I was a bit hammered. So now I am just lazing around and playing on the Internet. If I am up to it later I will take a quick hike around here. Nothing is opened today because today is the big holiday. I wish I didn’t feel so drained but it is again my own fault. I am such a lush but the good news is I didn’t make an ass of myself last night, which seems to be my trend of late!