Monday was a holiday so I spent a couple days with Julie and my other coworkers from last year. We drove out to Jin ha, a small town which is about an hour away. Seven girls and one guy (Julie´s boyfriend). We stayed at a Min Bbek, which is like a homestay where old ladies rent out rooms. But it was more like a hostel and we all slept on the floor on blankets. There were tons of people around partying all night. We spent the day at the beach. The water was really cold but we managed to get some play time in. Then we went back to the Min Baek, to eat dinner and play drinking games. I felt like we were at some sort of little beach town. I convinced a few of the girls to take a ride on one of the rides at the nearby carnival. It was called the Viking, where you sat in a big ship and it rocked up and down. I thought I was going to puke. Julie said the guy operating the machine, made the boat go even higher because there was a foreigner on the ride. Thanks! I was the only one ready to hurl over the side of the boat!
That was our last holiday of the summer. Next holiday is Chuseok, which is Korean Thanksgiving in Korea. Hopefully I will have more than one day off!